
3027 NE Alberta St.

Portland, OR 97211

Portland Fret Works

Repair, Restoration, and Construction

If you have questions, please give us a call.  We are happy to try to provide a rough estimate of repair costs over the phone, but many jobs will require an inspection of the instrument to determine an accurate estimate.


2024 Repair Price List

Restring and Tune
                Six String                               $35.00
                Floating Trem                       $45.00
                Twelve String                        $45.00
                Slot Head Guitar                  $45.00                    
                Mandolin                                $45.00
Install Strap Button                            $15.00

Set Up and Adjustments
                Set Up Acoustic                   $110.00
                Set Up Electric                      $120.00
                Set Up Floyd Rose               $180.00

Fret Work             
                Level & Dress                       $220.00
                Refret                                     $550.00
                Fretless Conversion            $525.00
                Partial Refret       $22/Fret +$220.00

 Reset Neck           
                Dovetail , Martin Style        $550.00
                Guild, Gibson                      $575.00
                Taylor NT                              $130.00
                Bolt On Acoustic                 $350.00

Install Tuning Machine
                Direct Drop In                      $65.00
                Ream Post Holes                 +$25.00
                Plug Screw Holes                 +$55.00

 Bone Nut                                               $105.00
                +20 if finished in, +20 for multi string

Bone Saddle                                         $95.00

Acoustic Bridge Work
                Reglue Bridge, SS                $190.00
                Reglue Bridge, Classical    $250.00
                Overlay Bridge Plate             $100.00
                Replace Bridge Plate           $375.00
                Core/Plug Bridge Plate        $120.00
                Fab/Install New Bridge        $400.00
                Plug/Reroute Saddle Slot   $110.00
                Fit Archtop Bridge                 $165.00

 Lefty Conversion
                Reslot Nut, Flip Saddle       $95.00
                New Slot, Saddle, Nut         $255.00

                Top/Back Cracks                  $70.00+
                Rib                                          $70.00+
Headstock Cracks                                              
               Glue Crack                            $120.00+
                Touch Up                              $175-400.00
                Fiberglass Overlay               $230.00

                Install Spike                          $15.00
                Replace Head
                                Synthetic               $175.00
                                Calf Skin               $195.00
                Set Up                                    $105.00
                Install 5th String Tuner        $50.00
                Reset Neck (Dowel Stick)   $395.00

                Custom Strat PG                  $180.00+
                Replace Acoustic Pickguard
                    W/ Full Touch Up            $235.00
                    W/ Seal Top Only            $160.00
                    Repair Top Cracks          $65.00+


Pickup Installation
                Magnetic (Solid Body Electrics)
                                First                       $80.00
                                Each Addt’l          $20.00
                Dual Source Acoustic         $120.00
                Soundboard Trans.             $95.00
                Under Saddle Trans.           $120.00
                Rewind Pickup (Per Coil)   $90.00

Replace/Install Electronic Components
                Pickup Selector                    $70.00
                Mini Toggle                           $80.00
                Output Jack                          $35.00
                Potentiometer                       $75.00
                Clean Pots                             $35.00
                Push/Pull Pot                        $105.00
                Rewire Strat                          $180.00
                Rewire Les Paul                   $195.00
                Archtop Elecs. Surcharge   $80.00

 Elec. Evaluation Bench Fee              $80.00

Finish Touch-Up                  Call For Estimate

Custom Inlay                       Call For Estimate
                Strat Body                              $550.00+
                Les Paul                                 $975.00+
                Finish Acoustic                     $975.00+
                Strip Guitar Body                   $225.00+
                Finish Maple Fingerboard  $220.00
                Finish Bolt-On Neck
                                Satin                       $240.00
                                Gloss                      $290.00

 Other jobs gladly quoted at shop rate of $120/hour.

Weds-Fri 12-6, Sat 10-2

Other times by appointment.

Click to download current repair price list:
